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Why They Call Cancer a Journey: Reflections on Five Years of Survival

When I first learned I had cancer, my instinct was to tackle it head-on. I'm a mover and a shaker by nature—I like to get things done, check them off my list, and move on. I thought cancer would be the same: something to face, handle, and leave behind. While there is some truth in that approach, I quickly learned that cancer isn’t a box you check off. It’s a journey—a word I’ve come to understand deeply over the past five years.

Surviving cancer isn’t just about completing treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. Those physical battles are only the beginning. Once the scars fade and the burns heal, the longest and most personal part of the journey begins: healing the mind and spirit. Cancer changes you, and the process of learning to live as a survivor—to carry the lessons and the wounds while finding your way forward—is an ongoing process.

In the cancer world, the five-year mark is often thought of as the "golden ticket." Reaching this milestone is significant, as it’s a sign of survival, resilience and reduced risk of recurrence. But as I approach my five year anniversary, I realize that while the calendar says five years have passed, it feels like I’m just coming up for air. The time has been filled with highs and lows, moments of hope and despair, and everything in between.

These years have been nothing short of transformative. They’ve been filled with introspection, worry, fear, and gratitude—sometimes all in the same day. There were moments of motivation and excitement as I rediscovered my strength and purpose, but also periods of sadness, anxiety, and depression as I struggled with what it means to live in the shadow of something so life altering.I’ve found courage in my darkest moments, faith when I doubted everything, and strength I never knew I had. And through it all, I’ve come to appreciate both the darkness and the light. Each day, even the hard ones, have been a gift, and for that, I am incredibly thankful.

To my fellow cancer survivors, I want to say this: keep your heads held high and your eyes on the prize. This journey is not linear, and it’s not easy, but it is yours. Whether you’re newly diagnosed, in the thick of treatment, or navigating life as a survivor, know that every step you take is one of strength and resilience. You are a warrior, and your journey is a testament to the incredible power of the human spirit.

As I move beyond this milestone, I’m filled with gratitude for where I am and hope for what lies ahead. Cancer may have become a part of my story, but it does not define me. Instead, it has taught me to embrace life’s complexities, to cherish the moments of joy, and to face each day with courage and grace.

To anyone on this journey, remember: you are not alone, and the road, as challenging as it may be, is one worth traveling. Here’s to five years, and here’s to many more.