When treatment ends, it's like crossing the finish line of a marathon with a flood of emotions. For me, I felt an amazing sense of relief, gratitude and happiness. I experienced a feeling of joy that I believed would never leave me......but it did......
Their bond extended beyond cancer they cried together, and celebrated every victory as a family. The sisterhood provided comfort in the darkest of times and helped each other embrace life's beauty with new appreciation....
Preparing for your first chemotherapy infusion can be overwhelming. I didn't know what to bring or where to start. There were of course the necessary items as directed by the doctor. I soon realized comfort items would be essential and getting though the difficult treatments. We have put together a list of common items to consider.
The icing experience itself was no joke. I will be honest in saying it reminded me of my childhood in Wisconsin when ice got into my boots, and mittens with no relief. I would wiggle my toes, and fingers during the treatment. I sucked it up, and kept them on determined to minimize side effects from my treatment.…..
I never realized my hair was such a part of my identity until I lost it.I now had a new look, it was the “cancer” look and I didn’t like it,I didn’t like it at all……….
I was left with one boob as the infection on my other side healed. This was heartbreaking for me. It hurt so terribly that there was no way I could wear a heavy prosthesis. I put a soft sock in my bra to give me symmetry. It was quite humbling to say the least……
I dodged the many calls, texts, emails and messaging through social media. I didn’t want to talk about me, cancer and anything in between. I drifted into avoidance and depression. My life as I knew it was spinning out of control. People reached out and I ran the other way. I didn’t want pity or to deal with others emotions and I certainly didn’t want to tell my horrific story over and over again.
Once my team of doctors gave me a plan, I felt some relief. Now I knew how we were going to attack. I decided right then, and there I was beating this, and that was that…..